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Top 10 Apple Logic Pro X Workflow Tips



[2] Customize Your Track Header and Store Defaults

Choosing what you really need to see in your Track Headers can save you a lot of time and grief.

Press Option-T to open the Track Header Configuration window. Here you see the factory defaults.

If you have multiple tracks flowing through the same channel strip, then the Solo and Mute buttons are going to solo or mute them all, because it is soloing or muting the channel strip, not the track. The On/Off power button gives you the option to turn tracks on or off discretely within the channel strip. 

Why is important to make choices for defaults? Preferences affect all projects, past, present and future, while Project Settings are project specific. But you can make your choices and save them as defaults by pressing down on the Gear icon and choosing Store as User Defaults. Then, they will be part of present and future projects, while pressing Apply Defaults in an older project will apply them.

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