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Synth and Software
Inspiring Electronic Music Producers and Performers

Synth & Software is an online publication and social media community for electronic music enthusiasts—anyone who enjoys listening or who plays, programs, or aspires to make music with synthesizers, samplers, DAWs, audio processors, and other instruments and software—or as we like to call them, synthusiasts.We deliver the most accurate information, the timeliest tips, the most comprehensive free lessons, the most revealing interviews, and the most authoritative reviews we could possibly offer. What’s more, we do it in a way that’s easy to understand, whether you’re a seasoned pro, a curious newbie, or anything in between.Through our network of musicians, industry professionals, music educators, software developers, and hardware manufacturers, Synth & Software always strives to provide readers with the knowledge they need to succeed in the perpetually evolving world of electronic music. Please visit us often, and drop us a line to let us know how best to serve you.

About the Content Director

Nick Batzdorf was the editor of Recording magazine for 10-1/2 years before launching Virtual Instruments magazine, building a worldwide audience and earning the support of all the leading companies in our industry. In between, he has been a prolific writer for the other music and audio tech magazines. His business card says “Journalism, Music, Copywriting, Audio” (in no particular order).

About the Publisher

Synth and Software is brought to you by the same publisher as and, serving online communities since 2007.