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New Take On Granular Synthesis, Dawesome’s Novum



Tracktion Corporation releases Novum, a next-generation granular synthesiser sampler plugin from Dawesome.

Novum is a creative sampler plugin which elegantly combines spectral, granular and subtractive synthesis. Similar to how a prism takes white light and splits it into separate colors, Novum takes a sound and separates it into natural tone ‘colors’. Its unique decomposition algorithm allows users to break down any sample into layers providing the freedom to edit them individually. This enables easy cross synthesis via the drag and drop of timbres and envelopes from other samples.

The granular engine provides as many as 6 layers and has unique features like Homogenization to create delicate velvet-like sound textures that are hard to achieve with classical granular synthesis. Extracted tone colors can by spectrally modified through the timbre flower that offers variations on the original.

Normally priced at $179, a 30% discount is available if purchased before 2nd July 2022

To find out more please go HERE.

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