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New Sample Library Explores The Outer Reaches Of Electronic Sound



Sample library designers Orchestral Tools have announced Konduit, the latest entry in their forward-thinking FABRIK series of instrument collections.


Created in collaboration with Belgian techno producer and live performer Peter Van Hoesen, Konduit channels the energy and texture of electricity itself with a library of immediately inspiring dual-layer sound design patches that pulse, hum, surge, and spark for a variety of musical moods and flavors – ideal for film, tv, and video game scoring as well as adding an electrifying texture to any musical project. 

In each entry of its FABRIK series, Orchestral Tools has taken the opportunity to explore new avenues of avant-garde sound design techniques and molded them into intuitive, playable instrumentation for the modern composer. True to its name, Konduit is inspired by the ever-evolving relationship between electricity and music and puts the sounds and feel of electric and electronic instrumentation into composers’ hands. The sensibility of the sounds, which range from quiet and contemplative to distorted and aggressive, were developed alongside Van Hoesen and were influenced by his mastery of both analog and digital synthesis. 

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