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New Iridium Core From Waldorf



Iridium Core provides the core synthesis engine of the Quantum / Iridium platform – the heart of Waldorf’s most advanced hardware-based synthesis. 

Press Announcement

Iridium Core contains 5 synthesis engines: Wavetable, Multi & Granular-Sampling, Waveform, Kernel FM, and Resonator. Combined with a broad selection of digital filter and processing options Iridium Core lets you explore a huge sonic universe of electronic sound. Iridium Core’s intuitive and easy graphical interface helps you to keep your flow of creativity.

The compact form factor makes Iridium Core an ideal companion to travel with you to all your sonic explorations and performances. It fits well into laptop-size bags and in carry-on baggage, it leaves enough space for all the other devices you need for your performances.

Iridium Core comes with a huge collection of more than 1700 factory presets and samples to drive your sonic Wanderlust. Get inspired by what the broad and diverse array of sound designers have created to fuel your musical endeavors.

Iridium Core integrates into various live performances and studio setups. It connects with your modular synths, drum machines, sequencers, and computers. The compact form factor fits well into your tabletop or space-limited setups.

Iridium Core shares the same software platform as Quantum, Iridium Desktop & Iridium Keyboard. All instruments are powered by the Waldorf synthesizer OS and will receive joint updates.

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