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ROLI Introduces LUMI Keys Studio Edition $300 MPE Controller



If two octaves isn’t enough, add more of them side-by-side

Remember when the entire Internet was full premature obituaries for ROLI? Well, their latest instrument – the LUMI Keys Studio Edition MPE Controller – is yet another obituary for those obituaries. (We reviewed their Rise MK II controller recently.)

This little $300 keyboard has pitch bend and polyphonic aftertouch on every key, which of course is what makes it an MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) controller. It also lights up, for those so inclined, and it’s designed so you can connect multiple units to add more octaves.

Its keys are 7/8 the width of standard keys, but we’ll speculate that this instrument is intended to augment rather than replace a big controller keyboard – among many other obvious applications. Cool!

Here’s the link for more info.

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