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Editor Note

Editor’s Note: Who Writes for Synth and Software?



We have some of the most experienced music technology journalists in the world. Care to join us?

To find out who makes Synth and Software what it is, take a gander at our Contributors Page (and to read their bios, click on their names). You must admit, these are some heavy cats. Most of our writers have decades of experience and get loads of respect in the synth and software industries. If you’ve ever read Electronic MusicianKeyboard, or Remix, you’ve probably seen their work before. Their names may be familiar because they’ve been educating and informing you about gear for years.

Our contributors are industry insiders, authors, sound designers, studio pros, inventors, film and TV composers, music directors, video producers, and college educators—all with one thing in common: synthesizers. A few even work for companies that make the stuff you own and the stuff you want, and they’re best qualified to tell you how to use it. Synth and Software’s contributors have plenty of knowledge about living on the cusp of tomorrow’s music. They’re a vast storehouse of musical and technical information and perspective.

As you might imagine, all those qualifications give Synth and Software a distinct advantage when it comes to giving you the lowdown. We deliver expert opinion and reliable facts you can depend on.

But Synth and Software is more than the sum of its parts. It’s an experiment in the future of publishing. It’s a platform that has evolved from print to the web with a trajectory that points to whatever comes next. We’re only a few months old, and we still have a long way to go. We plan to be here when print magazines have gone the way of mixing boards with built-in spring reverb, and we want to take you with us.

Synth and Software isn’t like other magazines, online or otherwise. We don’t charge for subscriptions, and we depend almost 100% on our contributors for content. Nonetheless, we are quite choosy about the content we publish. Our goal is to bring you tons of high-quality, fact-packed stories every month. For that we rely on an assortment of authorities on electronic musical instruments and music-production software.

Writing for Synth and Software

Your Personal Invitation

For a topic as broad as electronic music, we want to bring in as many voices as we can. That’s where you come in. Are you a synth whiz who has a way with words? Are you an effective communicator with something valuable to say to electronic musicians? Have you made a slick tutorial video you want to share with our audience? Have you taken a photo that would look good on our front cover?

We’re looking for people who know their way around synthesizers, effects, or music software and are also skilled at explaining technical things, writing product reviews, producing videos, or doing interviews. If you have a story to tell that our audience wants to hear, then we want to hear from you. Consider this your invitation to join Synth and Software’s team of bozos and gurus. Please, pitch a story to the S&S FORM. We want more musicians and audio pros with a futurist mindset to join our ranks.

Even if you’d rather just sit back and enjoy reading Synth and Software, we could still use your help. It’s more difficult than ever to gain attention for a brand-new web-based magazine. In part, that’s because of obstacles created by the loss of Net Neutrality. That means we need to depend on good old-fashioned word of mouth. Please, link to our articles on social media and ask your friends to subscribe. Tell the world about Synth and Software. In return, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest in synthesizers, music software, and effects technology and explain how it all works. And maybe we’ll inspire you to make some great music.

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